Garlic possesses several medicinal benefits. So, we can eat it as a dietary supplement so as to secure a healthy diet. Here are some of the properties of garlic used as an alternative medicine:
Therapeutic properties of garlic:
Garlic has many therapeutic properties, and most researchers have proved its ability to help reduce heart disease. Garlic has been studied intensively, and many studies have shown that eating fresh garlic as a dietary supplement significantly reduces LDL cholesterol levels without reducing HDL levels, which is the beneficial cholesterol. Garlic prevents the liver from manufacturing too much LDL.
There is also some evidence that garlic, as a dietary supplement, can lower blood pressure by expanding or extending blood vessels. Garlic helps prevent blood clotting - thus it reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes - by reducing plaque adhesion.
Garlic reduces pain and is useful in the treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis. It also reduces the size of some cancers and helps to prevent some types of cancers, especially those in the intestine. However, recent researchers don't confirm these properties, so it is preferable to consult the health care consultant before using garlic as an alternative medicine.
Since ancient times, garlic has been used as the disinfectant and natural antibiotic. Garlic kills a group of microbes, including viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites, and it can be effective for treating certain conditions such as Athlete's foot, flu, viral diarrhea, and ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria. These characteristics are only if the garlic is fresh or if you take pills similar to the supplements.
Garlic should be stored in a cool, dry place with good ventilation.
Garlic is safe, but it has an unpleasant smell on the breath and sweat, but this indicates that it is fresh and it sorts the Elicine well, which means it is useful. To reduce this odor, eat one of the sources of chlorophyll with garlic, such as vegetables with fresh green leaves or parsley. Or take it at night, and shower in the morning.
One of the most serious but rare side effects is Hemorrhage, either because of eating too much garlic or taking it with liquid. Therefore, consult with the health care consultant for alternative medicine. It is safe for short-term use in pregnancy period.