Annual herbaceous plant limited to growth up to 30-40 cm high. Its leaves are complex, dark green in color. The plant bears small white-purple flowers in tent inflorescences. The fruits are oval and oblong, each of which quickly splits when dried into two curved fruits. The color of the fruit is olive green, its length is from 0.4 - 0.7 cm, its diameter is 2-3 mm, its aromatic smell and its taste is little bitter, it is used as one of the spices and an appetizer. A recent Indian study has been an experiment to find out the ability of cumin seeds to destroy the activity of harmful free radicals inside the body, and the results were reached. That the materials extracted from cumin seeds have high antioxidant capabilities, which qualifies them to play a full protection role from any damage to the DNA of cells, as well as against oxidation that occurs in cell walls.