Treatment of Dental Pain

The tooth/dental pain is considered as one of the continuous and sharp pain. When you suffer from dental pain, the first thing you should do is to resort to your doctor immediately, but you may need some painkillers that relieve the pain, especially if access to the doctor takes some time. Many home remedies have proven to be effective in relieving tooth pain.


21 different treatments to overcome and help treat dental pain:



No home remedy can outperform cloves as a dental pain treatment. It is anti-oxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory. It has an anesthetic effect and therefore is extremely useful for tooth pain.


Use either a wet cotton and apply or swap it on the pain area, mouthwash with a few drops of water-added clove oil, or use ground cloves to place some on the pain area.


Note: Clove oil is strong on the gums and may cause irritation, and swallowing it is also dangerous, so use it with caution.


Salt Mixed With Warm Water:

It is used as a mouthwash in the case of tooth pain. Dissolve half a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water and gargle it for 30 seconds. This will reduce your pain. It is sterile and at the same time works to relieve swelling in case of mouth swelling.



It is an antimicrobial and antiseptic, which makes it suitable to control tooth pain to a large extent. During tooth pain, chew a piece of onion for 3 minutes, leave it in the position of pain for some minutes without chewing, and you will be relieved from pain.


Guava or Spinach Leaves:

Guava leaves have anti-inflammatory properties, which are excellent in relieving tooth pain. Once you feel pain, you can chew one or two guava leaves until you are relieved. You can boil a few guava leaves in a glass of water and add some salt to it. Then, use it as a mouthwash. If you do not have guava leaves you can use fresh spinach leaves as well.


Salt And Pepper:

Mix two equal amounts of salt and pepper, add some water to make a paste, put it on the affected tooth which is causing the pain, and you will feel great improvement, especially in the case of sensitive tooth pain. You can repeat the procedure for a few consecutive days or until a toothache is gone.


Ice Cubes:

It is one of the most common treatments for tooth pain. You can put a few cubes of ice in a bag and then wrap it with a piece of cotton cloth. Place the patch on your cheek against the position of the pain, or you can place the ice cube directly on the affected tooth to relieve the pain. Note: You should be careful if you have sensitive teeth, a severe cold may aggravate the pain.


Oxygen Water (H2O2):

Use it as a mouthwash at a concentration of 3% (or dilute it with water if you feel that the solution is strong) and you will definitely feel better, especially if the pain is accompanied by fever and cold. This is a sign of inflammation that can be stopped with oxygen water.


Vanilla Extract:

It has an excellent effect to relieve tooth pain. Just dunk a piece of cotton in the vanilla extract and place it on the pain area. If you do not have it you can substitute it with any of the following extracts: lemon, mint or almond.


Tea Tree Oil:

One or two drops of tea tree oil can do wonders for a toothache. You can also add a few drops to the warm water and use it as a mouthwash, or add a little to the cotton and put it on the affected tooth.


Apple Vinegar or Ordinary Vinegar:

Wet a piece of cotton using apple cider vinegar or ordinary vinegar and put it in the pain area until you feel better.



Chew a piece of fresh ginger as a toothache remedy and you will feel a great improvement.



It is known for its narcotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. Try chewing a garlic clove as a toothache remedy, or sprinkle a few grains of garlic with some salt to form a paste and place it in the affected area.


Mint Leaves:

Fresh mint leaves are very excellent in the treatment of tooth pain, and it gives a very comfortable feeling. Use it as soon as you feel the pain and leave it in your mouth to reduce tooth pain.



Place a piece of raw potato in the pain area and leave it long enough, or you can mash some raw potatoes with salt and put them on the affected area as well.



Cut a slice of lemon and place it on the affected tooth for a while. You can chew it or squeeze it to stimulate the juice out.


Red Pepper Mixed With Ginger:

It is equally effective as cloves. So, it is the best alternative if you do not have cloves. Make a paste of red pepper, ginger, and water, then apply the mixture pain area, but be careful not to touch the gum, because it may cause irritation. You can moisten a piece of cotton with the mixture and place it directly over the affected tooth. You can use red peppers alone - without ginger - it also works well.


Baking soda:

Moisten the cotton with water and then dip it in the baking soda and place on the affected tooth. Or you can use it as a mouthwash by adding a tablespoon of baking soda to a glass of warm water.


Tea Bags:

Place a warm tea bag on the affected area. Tannic acid in the tea acts as an antiseptic and analgesic and reduces swelling, and therefore it is excellent in the treatment of tooth pain.



Place a piece of fresh cucumber in the pain zone, leaving it long enough. You can mash the cucumber with some salt and put the paste on the affected tooth to ease the pain as well.


Green Tea:

It reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Drink two cups of green tea a day when you suffer from tooth pain and it will accelerate healing at the same time.


Honey And Cinnamon:

Honey and cinnamon paste is excellent in alleviating the pain of the teeth, and to make it, mix a teaspoon of crushed cinnamon with 5 teaspoons of honey and then put the mixture on the affected tooth directly. Keep rest of the mixture at room temperature and use it two to three times a day until the toothache is gone
