Melasma And Freckles Treatment By Natural Herbs

Melasma, as we all know, is the dark spots that appear in the face (and sometimes in the hands, shoulders, and back), especially in the young or the elderly, and they appear when they are exposed to the sun.


It can be said that there is no cure for Melasma - considering that it is hereditary - but there are several ways to reduce or eliminate the effect on the skin and require patience and maintenance. Of course, the most effective way is to resort to laser treatment or freezing using Nitrogen liquid or the chemical peeling, and all are performed by dermatologists. However, the best way is to treat Melasma through natural methods. Don’t forget that Melasma is created primarily to protect the skin from the sun, so peeling it completely may expose the skin to problems beyond the problem of Melasma.


To get rid of Melasma in a safe and natural way, we have collected the best home alternatives that can peel the skin naturally and help you to get a pure skin. The easiest ways to purify the face of Melasma and freckles:


Strawberry Paste:

Strawberries contain Citric Acid, which has proven its effectiveness in fighting and treating Melasma. Squeeze some strawberries and apply them on the face for 5 minutes, then wash the face well and repeat the process daily.


Lotion Of Parsley Juice:

Washing the face with parsley juice is very effective in cleansing the face. For better results, you can mix equal amounts of parsley, lemon juice, oranges, and cranberries.



Milk or sour milk is a natural peel of the skin. It contains lactic acid, which has proved its effectiveness as a peeler, and at the same time, it prevents dryness of the skin. You can apply yogurt on your face wash daily and leave it on the skin for about a minute and then wash it.


Radish With Lemon:

Radish contains materials that work on peeling skin in a very effective way. For best results mix the radish section with lemon juice in the mixer until it becomes a paste and then put it on the skin of the face and leave it to dry and then wash.


Castor Oil:

Castor oil is known for its great benefits for skin and hair. In the case of Melasma, castor oil redistributes the color pigment on the skin, and therefore you can wipe the skin before sleep and leave it all night until morning. It is one of the most effective and highly recommended treatments for Melasma.


Vitamin E Oil:

Vitamin E is the best vitamin for facial skin, not only as a treatment for freckles and Melasma but also contains all the nutrients that are necessary for healthy skin. Take a capsule of vitamin E and pierce it. Empty its contents into facial skin daily and you will see that patches will disappear gradually.


Citrus Fruits:

It is one of the best treatments for the Melasma according to the experiences of the ones who suffer from it. Whether lemon, orange, grapefruit and others, it is preferred to mix them with yogurt and make a paste. Apply it on the face and leave to dry and then wash.
